Thursday, April 30, 2009
Enjoying the Silent
And am here enjoying the silent atmosphere,by looking at my lil bro and sis's sleeping.It was so funny.If I am not awake right now,I wouldn't have a chance to see my bro was actually kicked out his blanket and 5min after he woke up with the eyes close,and look for his blanket and sleep peacefully again.And he was actually sharing his blanket with the dog,BIBI.Because of the cold weather,then we brought Bibi into our room.But she likes to sleep on our bed instead her "house".I think I have to finish with the conclusion and have a nice sleep.hopefully..
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The 7th Anniversary of My Grandmother’s Death
Grandma,I love you!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Once again,GOOOD MORninggg!!
Can anyone guess what's song i am listening??hahahass
Sunday, April 19, 2009
21st Birthday Blast
Thank you for the wishes and blessing from my family, friends and cousin. I really had an awesome with the sister, brother and cousin. How can I don’t love u all. All of you are the most valuable present for me from the creation of God. I felt so thankful and warm because of the greetings from my parents and siblings. My daddy called me 2 days ago, and he wishes me Happy Birthday, but I told him that today is not my birthday, and u should call me again when it’s on Saturday. And guess what, he called me on the afternoon and wishing me happy 21st birthday. For those who don’t know, my daddy is a “cool cool” person, he seldom show his concern to someone eventhou he truly care of him/her. After chit-chat abit, then he pass the phone to mummy, and contrary, my mummy was singing birthday song to me through the phone, and I feel so touch, feel likes crying, because I miss them so much. And Dage, thank you for ur “DOOM… DOOM… DOOM..” birthday song from YouTube. And I bet you have put me in your prayer when you were in the youth group. Because u loves me with the way I love you. Sister and Bro and Jun, both of you gave me a lot of laughter and surprise. First, they made birthday card for me, for the sister, I am not surprise because she was expert with card-making, but for the bro and cousin, they are the person who easily lost his patient in everything, but they spent like 3-4 hrs sitting still on the chair and start cutting, glue, choosing pattern, just for me.
Beside that, I had done some research past few days about the best restaurant in Sydney, and this make me recall a Germany cuisine restaurant which I had been dining in before with the housemate. So I keep searching through Google, but I just couldn’t get the address of the restaurant. But surprise, I found one of the best Germany restaurant in Sydney at Darling Street,Balmain. Its called La Boheme.
We enjoyed our lunch there, and continuously, we went for dessert at Passion Flower,Capital Square.Non-stop eating!
After that,we went to QVB for window shopping.Last,we went back home around 630pm with BIG TUMMY!!On the way back home,there was another surprise,because we already ate 2-3 scoops of ice-cream at Passion Flower,and I told them I don't need a cake anymore,sincerely.But bro and cousin left the bus 1st which they thought I didn't notice it,they went to the taiwan bakery shop for buying me a marble cheesecake and brought back home after sis and i reached home.By that time,the weather was quite cold.How can I don't love u all.How blissful I am!!
Sorry for the all wordy post.Will upload my birthday photos asap.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter Holiday
Bro and I went to Fitness First yesterday.It was the 1st time after we finished our training with Ray.It really different between Do it yourself than the personal training,I found that I'm less motivate to do all the equip and doesn't sweat a lot compare with the personal training.I went for the jogging machine,cycling and 2kg of thumb bell.But...but.. I ate a plate of lamb rack with baked potatoes and Sprite for my dinner.I regretted after having my dinner....):
Oh well,its come to wonderful Tuesday again.bit of Cloudy not too cold or warm.going to continue after my Economic homework.And I heard that Miri's raining like cat and dog nowadays.Hopefully the weather will getting better.Pray Hard,guys.
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